
by GRAME - Centre National de Création Musicale

Music & Audio


DroneLANGRAME - National Center for Musical CreationDroneLAN is part of GameLAN, a set of music apps designed by Grame, National Center for Music Creation. They are based on Faust technology (https://faust.grame.fr/) and have been designed to be played using just the movements of the smartphone. No musical prerequisites, only your gestures will make you a musician!Faust is a programming language for digital signal processing in real time. It allows you to easily design synthesizers and audio effects for a large number of platforms and can be used to create web and mobile applications for music, audio plug-ins (eg VST, AU, etc.). , externals for Max / MSP, PureData, CSOUND, etc., or independent applications.The 7 applications of the "GameLAN" family (Sinusoid, Baliphone, Sequencer, ShakerXY, Attackey, DroneLAN, Atomicro) can be played solo or in orchestra.For a complete immersion download all!Development by Elodie Rabibisoa and Romain Constant